Afrique Experts Consultants (AfExCo) - Burkina Faso Office (+226) 25 65 34 05 / (+226) 07 37 05 05


Created in July 2019 by three professionals in non-financial support to organizations, in the form of a Limited Company with a capital of CFAF 1,000,000, Afrique Experts Consultants is a firm providing consulting, study, audit, training and technical assistance services to organizations in the WAEMU area.

Afrique Experts Consultants was created to meet the non-financial service needs of organizations. Indeed, support for organizations in their development relies on two levers: financial services and non-financial services (intellectual services). While an organization that have no access to funding is unlikely to succeed, the success of organizations that have access to funding rests on both internal (their staff) and external (their consultants) human resources.

Afrique Experts Consultants is the result of nine (9) years of reflection, market analysis and interventions in Burkina Faso.

Afrique Experts Consultants opens its first office in Ouagadougou, Burkina Faso (2019) and plans to open offices in all capitals of West African countries by 2030.

Our Vision

Our Values

The values that underlie our actions

Our teams are made up of men and women who are passionate about their subject and who are committed to bringing you maximum value, producing results and bringing the missions to fruition in harmony with the values of your organization. Like you, we share the taste of the challenge.
Nous pensons en rupture, et cela est une nécessité. Le changement ne nécessite pas seulement les conseils d’experts, mais aussi des idées neuves, de l’énergie positive et un soupçon d’audace pour oser repousser les limites et explorer de nouveaux horizons.
Nous croyons en un mode de conseil qui se fonde sur notre engagement aux côtés de nos clients. Notre performance et la qualité de nos services dépendent d’un environnement de travail bienveillant et d’une adhésion aux valeurs du cabinet. Conseiller c’est s’engager.
Nous sommes riches des femmes et des hommes qui collaborent dans notre cabinet. Ils partagent entre eux et avec nos clients aux quatre coins du globe la passion du métier, leurs expertises sectorielles et leurs savoirs faire stratégiques.